Author: simstools

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First of all, we have to clarify WHAT the sensory system really is. It is important to recognize that there are in fact 7 senses that make up the sensory system and it is these sensory systems that process information as the building blocks to many other skills. The sensory system is composed of: The visual Sense is the ability to understand and interpret what is seen. The visual system uses the eyes to receive information about the contrast of light and dark, color...

FIRST DAY This was our second short road trip with our Lea, so I kind of knew what to expect… I knew that we wouldn’t start the trip at the designated hour (we “usually” start 1 hour later than expected). And this time was no exception, but I was prepared so I didn’t make a fuss. I knew that the trip will last app. 2.5 hours and that is the perfect time for Lea to sleep during the day. Our destination was...

The year 2020 had bigger plans for us than we anticipated. We became parents to a now 1-year-old baby girl Lea =) So, that is why I couldn’t be all in for our blog and the New Year’s Resolutions for 2020 became something else. All that meant to me was to be healthy for my baby girl and to keep her safe and healthy. Our baby girl is growing up SOOOO fast, just 2 days before I am writing this blog - she...

If you read the latest article about The year of 2019 in Rearview you would probably guess that we have never really sat down and written our New Year’s vows. Well, I did write something down for both of us and me - I usually used the S.M.A.R.T. goals method.  To refresh what S.M.A.R.T. means: Specific Measurable Attainable Relevant Time-Based   The problem was not in not knowing the theory, the problem was sticking to the plan. The first few days were really easy and we were all in,...

In this wintertime, when the germs are loose and there is nowhere to hide from the diseases we have to take time and go outside. If we are feeling strong enough to go to the gym it is wise to once in a while go outside to strengthen your immune system. Walks or running can sometimes be unfulfilling and maybe harder than you expected. That is why we went out and figured out just one of the fun activities you can...

Do you remember when you were a child and discovering nature was such a fun and adventurous experience? And when you were on the playground, swinging and trying to reach the sky? Do you remember the feeling of freedom? Are you stressed or feeling a little bit depressed? Swinging on a swing set can help you gain back some balance in your life. It is a fact that when babies cannot fall asleep, it is best to rock them in your arms. This feeling...