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The year 2020 had bigger plans for us than we anticipated.

We became parents to a now 1-year-old baby girl Lea =)

So, that is why I couldn’t be all in for our blog and the New Year’s Resolutions for 2020 became something else. All that meant to me was to be healthy for my baby girl and to keep her safe and healthy.

Our baby girl is growing up SOOOO fast, just 2 days before I am writing this blog – she took her first 4 independent steps!! I couldn’t believe my eyes!! And that was a day after her first birthday =) We had a BIIG celebration for 2 days in our new house. Yes, new house – that was also one of my new goals – to be in a house, which is rent-free. And we did it! I believe that all good things are meant to be if you just take your time and are dedicated to reaching your goals…

So, not to be too long in this post – we are enjoying life and trying to stay positive in this crazy situation that is going on in the world right now.

What does this mean for the blog? I will be here posting 1/month articles with deep thoughts, supported with research, and 1/week sharing our adventures with our little miss sunshine Lea =)


See you soon and sending you some good vibrations =)


Maja Šobar, Sims-Tools